Perfection in
every micrometer of our products

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Our business is part of
your production chain


The parts are small, but most of the time it's the smallest things that allow us to make our production efficient. Our high precision standards keep the downtime of your production to a minimum..

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Family business
15 years of experience

Engineering - Quality Control Management - Passion for Self Employment - Industrial Capabilities

Today, we mainly serve the most outstanding companies in packaging sector. Generally, we produce plastic bobbins which are used for packaging of hygiene and food products. In addition to this, we are always able to make actual every project that comes in line with the demands of our customers.

Over the last few years, we have expanded our distribution across Europe to 20 countries on 5 continents.

All this development in extending our business brought us to the necessity to renew our brand for reflecting the quality of the professional standard our company established so far.

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Pin; Wicket Bag Pin; Daiper pack; Plastic bobbins for wicket bag; Plastic pins for bread bags; Cap; Pins Wicket Bag; Pins Nappy Plastic bobbins for wicket bags; Plastic bobbins for food packaging; Caps; Bobbin Wicket Bag; Bobbin Plastic nappy bag; Plastic pin for wicket bag; Plastic pins for food; packaging; Bobbins Wicket Bag; Bobbins; Diaper packaging; Plastic pin for wicket bags; Bags for diapers; Spool Plastic Wicket bag for diaper; Plastic bobbins for hygienic products; Bags for sanitary; napkins; Spools Wicket Sanitary napkin; Plastic bobbins for food products; Plastic washer; Clips Wicket Adult diaper; Food packaging Plastic solutions; Clips Wicket Bag Hygiene Bread packaging; Plastic hospitality; Reel Wicket Bag; Hygienic Polyethylene wicket; pins; Plastic Washer; Plastic Pin Bag Bread Polyethylene wicket; bobbins; Plastic Plug; Plastic Pins; Plastic Bag; Bread bag; Plastic bobbins for manual bags; Washer; Plastic Bobbin Poly Bag; Plastic bread bag; Plastic bobbins for automatic bags; Plug; Plastic Bobbins; Plastic Polybag Wicket Bread bag; Plastic Bobbins for diaper bags; Plastic Washers; Plastic Spool Wicket; Polybag Drawstring bag; Plastic pins for diaper bags; Plastic Plugs; Plastic Spools Wicket Polybag; Drawstring cotton bag; Plastic Bobbins for sanitary napkin bags; Washers; Plastic Clips Automatic Packaging; Toilet paper Plastic pins for sanitary napkin bags; Plugs; Plastic Clips; Diaper Toilet paper bag; Plastic injection; Plastic Packing; Diaper bag; Plastic diaper bag; Plastic Toilet paper bag; Plastic bobbins injection; Shrink Film; Wicket diaper bag; Baby diaper Ice Plastic pins injection; Shrink Films; Baby diaper bag; Baby diaper bags; Plastic ice bag; Bobbins for packaging; Freezing; Woven Polyethylene PE bags; Pins for packaging Freezing Bag; Nonwoven PE; HDPE Plastic Bobbins for packaging; Freezing Bags; HDPE bags; LDPE; LDPE bags Plastic Pins for packaging; Plastic molding; Handle bags Disposable; Packaging; Tissue disposable; packaging; Plastic Bobbins for manual packaging of food and hygiene products; Mold; Potty Pads; Dog Potty Pads; Puppy Training; Pads; Plastic pins for manual packaging of food and hygiene products; Molding; Cat potty pads; Plastic bobbins for; wicket bag; Plastic bobbins for; wicket bags; Plastic bobbins for; bread bags; /*Key Words; TÜRKÇE; */ Pim; Delikli poşet pimi; Çocuk bezi poşetleri; Ekmek poşeti bobini; pimler; Delikli poşet pimleri; Gıda poşeti pimi; Bobin delikli; poşet bobini; Gıda poşeti bobini; Bobinler; Delikli poşet bobinleri; Çocuk bezi ambalajı; Delikli poşet plastik pimi; Çocuk bezi çantası; Gövde Plastik Çocuk bezi poşeti için delikli torba; Hijyen ambalajları için plastik pim; Kadın pedi poşeti; Gövdeler; Delikli ambalaj poşeti; Kadın pedi Gıda ambalajları için plastik bobin; Plastik rondela; Klips Wicket; Yetişkin bezi poşeti; Gıda paketlemesi; Plastik çözümler; klipsler; Delikli poşet hijyen Ekmek ambalajı; Makara Poşet hijyenik; Polietilen delikli pim; Plastik pim Çanta; ekmek Polietilen delikli bobin; Plastik tapa; Plastik pimler; Plastik çanta; Ekmek poşeti; El çantası için plastik bobin; Rondela; Plastik bobin Poli çanta; Plastik ekmek poşeti; Otomatik paketleme için plastik pim Tapa; Plastik bobinler Plastik poli çanta; Delikli ekmek poşeti; Çocuk bezi poşeti; için plastik pim; plastik rondelalar; Plastik gövde Delikli koli poşet; İpli çanta Çocuk bezi poşeti için plastik pimler; plastik tapalar; Plastic Spools Wicket Polybag; İpli pamuk poşeti Kadın pedi ambalajı rondelalar; Plastik gövdeler; Otomatik ambalaj Tuvalet kağıdı Kadın pedi ambalajlanmasında kullanılan plastic pim; Tapalar; Plastik klips; Çocuk bezi Tuvalet kağıdı poşeti; Plastik enjeksyon Plastik ambalaj; Çocuk bezi poşet Plastik çocuk bezi poşeti; Plastik tuvalet kağıdı poşeti; Plastik bobin enjeksiyonu; streç film; Delikli çoçuk bezi poşeti; Bebek bezi buz Plastik pim enjeksiyonu; streç filmler; Delikli torba Bebek bezi poşeti; Plastik buz poşeti; Ambalajlama boini dondurucu; Woven Polietilen PE poşet Ambalajlama pimi; Buz poşeti; Nonwoven PE HDPE Ambalajma için plastik bobin; Buz poşetleri; HDPE poşet LDPE LDPE poşet Ambalajlama için plastik pim; Plastik üretimi; Plastik torba Tek kullanımlık; paketleme; Islak mendil; ambalajı; Plastik hammadde; Plastik kalıp; Köpek pedi Delikli poşet için; plastik bobin; Köpek eğitim pedi; Üretim Kalıp; Kedi pedi Ekmek poşeti pimi Plastik kalıp imalatı; /* French;*/ Sachetti per; pannolini; Sachetti perassorbenti igienici; Sacchetti wicket Plastikowy; Sachets pour; couches; Sachets pourcouches; hygiéniques; Sachet wicket Wicket; Sacchetti per; prodotti per l'igiene; Sachets pour lesproduits d'hygiene; Sac liasses Torba; Worki wicket Viket-paketov; Stiftstapelbeutel; polibag; Upakovka D'ya; gigiyenicheskikh; Upakovka d'yapishchevykhproduktov; Ding ben dai automatyczne; pakowanie; Chao zhi bao; Lebensmittelverpackung; Beutel gebündelt; Sacchetti manuali e; automatici; pielucha; Vrecice za; automatsko; pakovanje; Toalet papir Hlijeb pieluszka; Higijenski ulasci Pelene Pakovanje podpaskahigieniczna; Pelene pakovanje Sakous syskevasiastrofiman; blokarismenous; Pakety viket dlyaruchony, poluavtomaticheskoy; ivysokoskorostnoy; upakovki; dorosla pieluszka; Ruchnaya; upakovka produktiv; pitanaya i sredstv; gigiyeny.; Lepakojumshigienasproduktiem; Lepakojumspartikas produktiem; Woreczki do; pakowania pielucha; Verpackung von Lebensmitteln; Verpackung von Hygieneprodukten; livsmedels för; pakningar; opakowania wicket; för packningar till hygien produkter; L'emballage; alimentaire; Emballages pourproduits d'hygiene; Woreczki do pakowania higiena; Alfiler Perno Sacchetti per; prodotti per; l'igiene; chleb; Pin de plastico Perno di plastica sacchetti per; prodotti di igiene; torba chlebowa; wicket chleb; torba; Pin bolsa portillo Perno del; sacchetto del; wicket; e sacchetti per; pannolini; wicket chleb; torba; pasadores perni pin; Pines de plastico Spille di plastica plastikowa szpilka; Pasadores bolsa; wicket; Perni borsa wicket szpilka do wtyku; Bobina Bobina szpilki; Bobina de plastico Bobina di plastica Plastikowe szpilki; Bolsa de wicket de; bobina; La bobina del; sacchetto del wicket; kolki wicketowejtorebki; bobinas Bobine szpulka; Bobinas de plastico Bobine di plastica plastikowa szpulka; Wicket bag bobbins; Sacco da viaggio; wicket; cewka wicketowa; carette clip szpulki; Carrete de plastico Clip di plastica plastikowe szpule; Carettes Klips bobiny w wezu; Carettes de plastico Klip di plastica szpula; clips Sacchetti wicket plastikowa szpula; Clips de plastico Buste con soffietto; di fondo; szpule; Presilla Sacchetti per il; pane; plastikowe szpule; Clip de plastico Sacchetti pollo klipy; plastikowe klipsy; klipy; plastikowe klipsy; rolka;